Nix remote builders are used to offload compilation of some derivation (basically, what nix calls packages) to bigger, beefier, remote machines.
This is usually useful when you have big compilation that can be cached and reused as well as low latency (otherwise builds take longer).
Nix remote substituters are a way to use another store when querying for already computed derivations.
But sometimes, this builder/substituter goes offline and your build fails because it can't contact it.
To avoid this, these are the options that can be used
On nix newer CLI :
nix build '...' --option builders '' --option substituters ''
You can simply override the builders line by a line without the failing builder. Same for substituters.
That's all for today folks!
This post is also to make me remember how to build when it fails since I don't use it that often and I forget how to use it.
If you have any comment on this, you can contact on shorts [at]